Lisbon is the most important thing for us, without the city we wouldn't exist. It's very exciting to bike in the city, mostly her 7 hills, but it's not easy, like the city itself, she has her own character and is set on her ways with the stubborness typical of an old city. The guides are the most important element here at Lisbon Cycle Tours and without them what we do would not be possible, so dare to embark on this enormous adventure through her hills with us and our electrical bicycles.




My name is Bruno Queiroz, I was a military fireman in Brazil for 4 years, but when I was a child I wanted to be a Super-Hero.
My favorite was Spider-Man, because he was one of the few that had to pay his bills and reconcile having a job, studying and being in relationships.
I Studied Social Sciences in UFES ( Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, Brazil) and Law in UVV ( Universidade de Vila Velha, Brazil), but because both universities
were more than 150km from my house, and I couldn't use webs to swing through buildings, I had to put my studies on hold.
Due to the loss of one of my best friends, with whom i had a lot of conversations about life and it's endless possibilities, when I was 25, I decided to sell everything i owned
and i started my own business, a hostel in a national park by the beach, in a former slave town in Itacaré, Bahia, Brazil.
There I met my girlfriend, and she kidnapped me and took me to Lisbon, where I met Nuno, and I really think he knows the city better than anyone else.
After living here for some time I came to realize that the city kind of reminds me of Gotham City, I don't really like Batman, but I guess the city is cool.

Here he began to explore the capabilities of Lisbon for cycling and realized immediately, the city was perfect to be discovered by bike, Lisbon wasn´t boring like the other cities he had already cycled in, here, he noticed, was very easy to have bicycle adventures , without great effort the city could give this to us . Nuno loves his city more than anyone, loves to talk with people about what´s happening in the city and to discover the new flavors of Lisbon and go out at night to dance. Today he embraces the Lisbon Cycle Tours project with the same desire to show you the city of Lisbon , a city to be tasted by bike...

João was born in Lisbon some years ago, and lived here for most of his life. He studied psychology in ISPA where he met his good friend Nuno. He didnt finish with a Masters, only with the certanty that he would never, ever, work in something related with psychology.
João loves history, and he loves Lisbon because it has so much of it, (check wikipedia if you don’t believe him) and because it also has some pretty good stories (those aren’t on wikipedia, you’ll have to take his word on it).
João also loves fixing things and seeing how they work, and even though he doesnt have a degree in bicycle repairing he can say with some level of confidence that none of the Lisbon Cycle Tours bicycles will explode.
Even though he wrote this himself, João refers to himself in the 3rd person, something that doesn’t happen in reality, as it would become very annoying very fast.

“Hello! My Name is Nuno and i was born in Lisbon at 32 years ago"
Nuno was born in Lisbon and his childhood was spent dreaming of bicycles , motorcycles and adventures , but his mother never gave him the freedom for this kind of nonsense. She was always afraid of where her child could go on his bike. When he was 25 he opened his first bike shop in Lisbon, the first company to open doors dedicated to electric bicycle tours of Lisbon.
Here he began to explore the capabilities of Lisbon for cycling and realized immediately, the city was perfect to be discovered by bike, Lisbon wasn´t boring like the other cities he had already cycled in, here, he noticed, was very easy to have bicycle adventures , without great effort the city could give this to us . Nuno loves his city more than anyone, loves to talk with people about what´s happening in the city and to discover the new flavors of Lisbon.Today he embraces the Lisbon Cycle Tours project with the same desire to show you the city of Lisbon , a city to be tasted by bike...
I Studied Psicology in ISPA in Lisbon.I worked as volunteer teacher for 4 years in USSJD. After 3 moths working as HR consultant i had to quit, i couldn't´t work inside buildings, so i decided to finish my Master thesis. I decided then to create my first project of bike tours in Lisbon "rent a fun - rentals, Tours & FUN"...
Now i am preparing a long way down to algarve by ebike and kayak. The project "Fisherman´s Way" along the Vincentin Coast, it will be the first electric bike tour for anyone. We will start to bike the Vincentin coast very soon.

Here he began to explore the capabilities of Lisbon for cycling and realized immediately, the city was perfect to be discovered by bike, Lisbon wasn´t boring like the other cities he had already cycled in, here, he noticed, was very easy to have bicycle adventures , without great effort the city could give this to us . Nuno loves his city more than anyone, loves to talk with people about what´s happening in the city and to discover the new flavors of Lisbon and go out at night to dance. Today he embraces the Lisbon Cycle Tours project with the same desire to show you the city of Lisbon , a city to be tasted by bike...